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Read full conclusion here: 

Is foster care a reasonable solution for children to go into it their biological family is not providing the necessary care that is required for them? 

After researching about The Foster Care System for the past few months, I have concluded that it is a reasonable solution for children to be placed into. By incorporating my personal experiences into this project and looking deeper into particular areas that I believed would help me answer my question, it is easy to say that overall, this system has helped many families and will continue to do so in the future. The moves I took helped me gain more knowledge in multiple areas and has also helped me confirm that I would love to be a foster parent when I am older. I want to be able to impact children's and families lives in a positive way and with the help of the foster care system, I will be able to do so. Each individual has their own opinion on whether or not foster care is a reasonable solution, but if people look more deeply into it, they will realize that it is there to help the families that are undergoing difficult times and will dramatically impact their lives in a positive manner. 

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